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[美國直購全新] Neato Botvac D80 Vacuum Cleaner 真空 吸塵器
Smart, powerful, high-performance Robot vacuum. Great for homes with pets. While you do other things, Neato BotVac vacuums dirt, crumbs, dust bunnies, and pet hair from all floor types and every corner of your home. D-shape with corner clever - exclusive d-shape with corner clever technology destroys dirt where it hides and keeps corners clean. Extra large bag less dirtying and Jumbo high performance filter capture particles as small as 0.3 microns, like mold and pet dander. Perfect for all floor types and pet hair pick-up.
Patented Neato Technology-Laser Smart Mapping and Navigation system scans and maps the room, plans, and methodically cleans-instead of bumping around.
Spin Flow Power Clean-Spin Flow technology combines potent suction and precision brushes to leave floors immaculately clean
Maximum Hair Pickup. Pet, human or other... Neato doesn't discriminate. Picks up more pet hair than other bots
Versatile Brush System-Easy-to-swap Combo & Blade Brushes for maximum cleaning. Precise edge cleaning side brush makes sure not a speck of dust is left
Auto Charge & Auto Resume goes room to room; when it needs more juice, it goes to its charging base then returns to where it left off & finishes the job
Patented Neato Technology-LaserSmart Mapping and Navigation system scans and maps the room, plans, and methodically cleans-instead of bumping around.
SpinFlow Power Clean-SpinFlow technology combines potent suction and precision brushes to leave floors immaculately clean
Versatile Brush System-Easy-to-swap Combo & Blade Brushes for maximum cleaning.Precise edge cleaning side brush makes sure not a speck of dust is left
AutoCharge & AutoResume goes room to room; when it needs more juice, it goes to its charging base then returns to where it left off & finishes the job
Product Dimensions: 12.7 x 13.2 x 3.9 inches ; 9 pounds
Shipping Weight: 22.5 pounds
Origin: China
Item model number: Neato Botvac D80
1. Neato 掃地機清掃時請清空清掃的區域,儘量不要有障礙物。
2. 基地台前面和左右邊各一公尺內請不要有物品。
3. Neato 的設計是只要掃過一次就叫掃過了,掃完就會回家。
4. 當Neato 誤判掃過了,但其實還未掃過,這是原廠軟體設計的問題。
[美國直購全新] Neato Botvac D80 Vacuum Cleaner 真空 吸塵器 年輕人喜愛, [美國直購全新] Neato Botvac D80 Vacuum Cleaner 真空 吸塵器 介紹, [美國直購全新] Neato Botvac D80 Vacuum Cleaner 真空 吸塵器 平價, [美國直購全新] Neato Botvac D80 Vacuum Cleaner 真空 吸塵器 去哪買? (中央社華盛頓7日綜合外電報導)即將上任的川普(Donald Trump)政府之前點名1位保守媒體名人出任溝通要職,但美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)報導,她2012年著作的部分段落今天遭控涉嫌剽竊。 法新社報導,總統當選人川普先前提名談話性廣播節目主持人兼福斯新聞(Fox News)評論員克勞里(Monica Crowley),出任國家安全會議(NationalSecurity Council)負責溝通的高階職務。 根據CNN報導,重新檢視她的著作「What The(Bleep) Just Happened」後,發現約有50個段落取自新聞文章、網站、智庫文章與維基百科(Wikipedia),部分僅經些微改動。 以描述凱因斯經濟學的段落為例,這部分文章幾乎直接取自美國個人理財與投資網站Investopedia.com2009年刊登的文章。 川普團隊發表聲明為克勞里辯護,說她「在如何改變這個國家的問題上,卓越的洞見與細膩的想法,正是她將為政府服務的原因」。 CNN引用的聲明表示:「任何意圖誹謗克勞里的行為,都只是具政治動機的攻擊,想分散對國家現今面臨真正議題的注意力。」聲明中並未證實或否認剽竊指控。(譯者:中央社廖禹揚)1060108
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